FAI Autumn Days 2024 on October 12 & 13

The “Giornate FAI d’Autunno 2024” are two days this weekend, October 12 and 13, organized by the Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano, a non-profit organization created in 1975 and dedicated to protectiong Italy’s artistic, historical and landscape heritage. It is based on the National Trust model that uses volunteers and donations to take care of many private locations that either would not have the funds to stay in a good condition, or would they ever open their doors to the general public because they still are being used. As soon as the FAI is able, with these fall and spring editions of “Giornate del FAI”, the doors of villas, castles, historical sites, industrial as well as natural, open their doors for a short period of time to the general public. This weekend you can visit places such as Villa Schifanoia and the Stabilimento Chimico Farmaceutico Militare in Florence, the ancient fortress in the center of Prato and near Siena, the Castello di Farnetella with its neo-medieval furnishings from the 18th century Romantic period.

All across Italy over 700 locations will be open, in Tuscany just 20 and among these some interesting and unusual places, thanks solely to the volunteers of Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano.

How to visit the locations open for FAI Autumn Days

The event works just like the spring edition: the locations will be open and ask only for a donation to suppose the non-profit organization. There is no need to book ahead of time, although be prepared in case you find lots of people show up. A few locations are reserved for members of the organization, so you will be asked to become a member at the entrance of any of those places. Some of the places are offering tours, generally those are reserved for members. I’ve indicated below the list and where membership is requested.

FAI Autumn Days 2024 in Florence

In the center of Tuscany, there will be 4 locations open in Florence. In collaboration with the European Commission, as in past editions, you will be able to tour Villa Schifanoia, the seat of the European University Institute which sits on the hills between Florence and Fiesole. The villa is generally off limits to the public, so this is a great opportunity to wander across the Italian gardens and the 15th century villa.

On the outskits of the city on Via Reginaldo Giuliani, the doors to the Stabilimento Chimico Farmaceutico Militare will open, with a special focus on the special medicines that are developed at this research center and a tour of the historical and modern machinery employed in the company.

Then there are two locations that are open to FAI members: the ex-monastery of Santa Maria di Candeli, which today houses the Caserma Tassi located between Borgo Pinti and via dei Pilastri. Visitors will get a chance to visit the late Baroque church, a frescoed chapel and the refectory, where you can admire a Last Super. The other location is the Oratorio di Gesù Pellegrino called Oratory of the Pretoni located on via San Gallo where you will be able to admire all of its frescoed interiors.

Places to visit near Florence

Moving out of Florence and into nearby Prato, volunteers will accompany visitors through an ancient and secret corridor in the center of town: the defensive walls of the Cassero Medievale and of the Bastione of Santa Chiara, passing through the ex convent of di Santa Chiara and finally exiting through the Oratorio di Santa Chiara e San Rocco. The other location open in Prato is the Teatro Metastasio, where visitors will get the opportunity to go into areas hidden to the general public.

More locations in Tuscany open for 2024 FAI Autumn Days

The FAI event really allows anyone interested to go off the beaten path and visit some particular gems across the region. For example, how about visiting a hydroelectric plant? You can do so in Pontremoli (Massa Carrara) this weekend at Teglia where you will tour within the machinery rooms, or head into the small town and visit the Ca’ di Piazza, now known as Palazzo Zucchi Castellini, to visit both Baroque and Renaussance furnishings and stuccoes and frescoes.

In Pisa, you can join an itinerary through the old Duomo of Pisa at San Paolo a Ripa d’Arno while in Lucca visit the Palazzo Guinigi with its iconic tree covered tower. There are guided visits through the village of Palaia (Pisa), in the historical part of Rosignano (Livorno), along the banks of the Lake della Gherardesca in Capannori (Lucca) and in Gavorrano (Grosseto) where you can learn more about the life of work in the mines.

In the Valdinievole, FAI members can also visit Villa del Castellaccio di Uzzano, famous for being where Giacomo Puccini wrote the second and third act of the Bohème, while in the province of Lucca you can visit the Convent of San Francesco in Borgo a Mozzano, a sacred place where you will get the chance to hear the ancient organ of the church play just for this occasion.

In Pistoia , the FAI volunteers will take you along a tour to the Oratorio del Santissimo Crocifisso, Palazzo Banchieri-Tolomei and the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli.

Another place to discover is in Sinalunga (Siena): the halls of the Castello di Farnetella, usually closed to the public, will allow you to experience the “medieval” setting created in the late 19th century for local noble and wealthy families that loved this village. In San Gimignano you will intead get the opportunity to go into the Tower house Campatelli, one of the last 14 towers that have survived up to our days.

The full list for places in Tuscany open for 2024 FAI Autumn Days

Here’s a list of the places, divided by city/province open in Tuscany this coming up weekend, Saturday October 12 and Sunday October 13. Please check the FAI website for the event to check for opening hours and directions on how to get there.


  • Chiesa di Santa Maria di Candeli (today the Caserma Tassi) – only for FAI members
  • Oratorio di Gesù Pellegrino detto dei Pretoni – only for FAI members
  • Stabilimento Chimico Farmaceutico Militare
  • Villa Schifanoia (EUI)


  • Cassero medievale, bastion and convent of Santa Chiara
  • Teatro Metastasio – Prato


  • Cappella del SS Crocifisso
  • Chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli
  • Palazzo Banchelli Tolomei
  • Villa del Castellaccio (Uzzano) – only for FAI members


  • San Paolo a Ripa D’Arno and Sant’Agata – visit “A History of the Renovations”
  • Itinerary – borgo di Palaia


  • Palazzo Guinigi – guided visit
  • Azienda Martinelli Luce
  • Convent of San Francesco – Borgo a Mozzano
  • Itinerary – Lago della Gherardesca – Capannori
  • Teatrino di Vetriano Pescaglia

Massa Carrara

  • Hydroelectric plant in Teglia (Pontremoli)
  • Palazzo Zucchi Castellini (Ca’ Di Piazza) – Pontremoli


  • Itinerary – Autumn Secrets: exploring the Rosignano castle
  • Archeological site of Vada, discovering the ancient port – only for FAI members


  • Tower and house Campatelli (San Gimignano)
  • Castello di Farnetella (Sinalunga)


  • Itinerary – Vasari, historian and writer


  • Itinerary – Gavorrano “The mines: work, rhythms, time and sounds of the horn”

About Lourdes Flores

An American living in Florence for over 10 years, Lourdes continues to explore and discover new places in Tuscany with the eyes of a tourist but with the experience of living in Italy. She shares her experiences on this blog and website, particularly offering lots of travel planning help on the Forum!