For several years Florence has been offering residents and visitors alike a special night called Notte Bianca (white night) which can be spent outdoors in the main city piazzas and in the city museums open for the occasion past midnight. The Notte Bianca takes place tomorrow evening, April 30th.
The program for the night is very rich and varied in order to offer something for everyone. There are installations in several piazzas and in the museums, as well as clown shows for children, artistic plays and music performances of all tastes.
Inspiration for this year’s event is Jonathan Livingston’s famous novella “The Seagull” and the theme of flight (“The higher the seagull flies, the farther he can see”), that shows up in various performances scheduled for the Notte Bianca.
The official start for the night starts at 6 p.m. and events will continue throughout the evening until 1am with a few lasting until later.
If you don’t have a time to be back at home, my advice is to go see the events taking place in the main squares (you can find the entire program on the official site here but in general to just take advantage of the evening to simply enjoy Florence without any hurry…. particularly as there are always crowds.
In any case, if you’re out Tuesday evening it will be impossible to not find several performances in Piazza Santa Croce, Piazza della Signoria, Piazza Pitti, Piazza della Repubblica, Piazza Santa Maria Novella, just to name the main piazzas in the heart of Florence.
For the Notte Bianca, the ZTL area will be expanded so we wholeheartedly recommend to move about on foot and with buses, which will circulate in greater numbers for the event.
Special Openings for Museums
Several museums will also participate in Notte Bianca by offering free special late night openings, including the Uffizi Gallery (6pm-midnight), the Palazzo Vecchio Museum (6pm-6am), the Casa di Dante Museum (7-10pm), the Santa Maria Novella Museum (7pm-midnight) and the Orsanmichele Museum (7pm-midnight).
Enjoy a “night on the town” with the Notte Bianca tomorrow night!
About Cristina Romeo
Born in Florence at the end of the fabulous '70s, Cristina has always lived in the famous "cradle of the Renaissance". She's in love with her homeland, but also enjoys traveling and discovering new places. Cristina is mum to a lovely little girl, to whom she hopes to pass on all the passion and love of our precious, wonderful Tuscany.